I honestly feel like this year is flying by. I cannot believe it is already November and we have about a month and a half left until winter break. So many amazing things are happening at UTD this year. I feel like God blows me away week by week with all that he is doing in and through people. There really are so many different things that I could share about on the women’s side of FOCUS.
I am currently leading a small group for small group leaders that we call peer team. My peer team consists of four women who are students at UTD. In peer team we started reading a book called Fuel and the Flame which really has reminded me why I love doing college ministry so much. My peer team and I are really catching a vision of the foundation that we get to help lay in the lives of young women. The corefa’s (small group leaders) in my peer team are really challenging the women that they meet with to have a deep relationship with God and to really be radical disciples of His!
I went and visited both of the cores that the women in my peer team lead this past month. I was BLOWN away by both groups. The core I visited on Wednesday night has about 24 women in it. The group has so many new people that the corefas can’t possibly study with them all. The returning members of the group have really stepped up and are studying the Bible with some of the new people. The corefas are meeting with all of these returning members, giving them weekly support. They are basically leading a small group for the leaders in their group. I am so proud of the hard work these corefas are putting into making sure that everyone in their group has the opportunity to study the Bible with someone and are raising up other leaders at the same time. During core it was clear that the women enjoyed being together, have a heart to praise God, and are pretty open.
I also got to visit a core that is on Thursday nights this past week. It was so neat to meet so many new girls that were not in FOCUS last year. I am so amazed at how this core seems to be growing each week. The corefas are doing such a great job planning and really building community. God is doing some amazing things through these groups.